
The Best Full-Body Workout to Torch Calories and Stress Less

This full-body, equipement-free workout flames calories and unroll your mind until you become stressless.

Even-though you have a gym membership and lift heavy weights, doing body weight workouts will be hard and get you sore. Plus you will focus better when you are alone and not zoning out at the gym and cheating both your body and mind. 

This full body workout will benefit your brain and give you a good sweat—exactly the detox you need in a manic month.

Stress can be caused by normal daily life tasks, forgetting to do a job task, running late to meetings, or just not remembering where you put your things. Your energy starts to diminish thus your fat diminishermechanism start to weaken. Which leads to skipping workouts and eating without a schedule.

Just one rule: Give it all you've got during each strength move. That means pushing hard for the entire minute, focusing to beat your previous score.

You will need: Your Body

1. Squat One-Two Punch

A.Stand with feet staggered, right foot forward, and hands in fists by chin. Squat to start.

B.Stand, then quick-snap a punch with right hand straight forward, rotating fist palm down at shoulder height. Then quickly punch left hand across body, pivoting on left foot to turn hips forward slightly, rotating fist palm-down at shoulder height of right arm. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:30 seconds per side

2. Crisscross Squat

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Jump, crossing right leg in front of left, landing that position for a brief second.
B.Then jump to uncross legs and landing in a squat. Without pausing, switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly alternating sides.
Reps:1 minute

3. T Push-Up

A.Start on floor in plank on palms. Bend elbows back 45 degrees to lower body until chest grazes floor.
B.Then push up, rotating to right to come into a side plank on left palm, extending right arm straight up from shoulder and stacking feet. Switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly alternating sides.
Reps:1 minute

4. Side Lunge to Tuck Jump

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Turn toward right and step right leg forward, pivoting on left foot, to come into a long lunge with right knee bent and left leg straight and bent left arm forward and bent right arm back.
B.Push off right foot to return to start position and quickly jump as high as you can, tucking knees into chest. Land softly. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:1 minute

5. Lateral Hop

A.Stand with feet together, knees soft, hands in fists with elbows bent at sides to start. Explosively hop to the left as if you were jumping over a small object (you could place something like a water bottle or a towel here to ensure that you get some height), landing on balls of feet. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:1 minute

6. Plank Jack

A.Start on floor in plank on palms with feet together. Without moving upper body or raising hips, hop feet wide. Hop feet back to start position.

Reps:1 minute

7. Lunge Kick

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Step right leg back into a reverse lunge, bending both legs 90 degrees, bent right arm forward and bent left arm back to start.
B.Push through left foot to stand on left leg, kicking right leg in front of you and driving left arm forward and right arm back. Return to start position and continue for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:30 seconds per side

8. V-Up

A.Lie face up on floor with legs long and arms extended overhead to start. Curl head, neck, and shoulders up as you reach arms and legs up to meet, balancing on tailbone so body forms a V shape. Simultaneously lower arms and legs back to start position.
Reps:1 minute

9. Squat Hold

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Squat and extend arms straight out at shoulder height. Record the number of seconds you can hold position with excellent form (hip crease below parallel, knees pushed outward, chest lifted). Once you can go the full minute, do this exercise with arms overhead for more of a challenge.
Reps:1 minute

10. Up-Down

A.Start on floor in plank on palms. Jump feet toward hands. Immediately jump feet back to start position.
Reps:1 minute