

Not satisfied with the appearance of your back? Do you have excess 'flab' lingering around your lower back and sides that you simply can’t get rid of? What about your upper back? 

Are you tired of turning around in the mirror only to see flab hanging over your bra strap? If you’ve answered yes to one or more of these questions and are one of the many individuals out there struggling with an unsightly appearance of stubborn back fat, read on to learn why it occurs and what you can do about it.

How Can I Lose Back Fat with Yoga Poses

Consider yoga seriously if you want to get rid of back fat. Yoga asanas can help us,
Achieve all-round fitness
•Relieves stress and provides inner peace
•Improve immunity
•Gives us more energy
•Help us achieve better posture and flexibility
•Lose weight including back fat

Here are some yoga asanas that can help you lose that back fat. Spend between 30 minutes to an hour initially on your toga asanas. You can increase this gradually to a maximum of two hours daily. But stop doing an asana if you feel any pain.

1.Side Fierce

Where it works - Upper back, quads, and glutes.

How to do it – Stand while your feet are together. Inhale, as you bend the knees. Now lower the hips while raising your arms over the head. Now exhale slowly while crossing the right elbow to the outer part of the left knee. 

Keep your palms pressed together and push the bottom elbow against the thigh. You should try to rotate and lift the chest and increase the twist. Pull the right hip slightly, but make sure that both your knees are parallel.

Count to five and inhale after this, pressing your lift for lifting the torso. Exhale and cross the left elbow to the right outer knee. Count to five once more, breathing in.


Where it works – Shoulders and back

How to do it – Stand at the top of a mat, keeping both feet together. Now shift your weight to your left leg, and put the right leg behind you. Try to keep your torso balanced parallel to the floor. Extend the arms in front of you straight. Draw the naval to your spine. Hold this position and count to three, breathing in.

3.Half Moon

Where it works – Sides of the torso and back

How to do it – Step the right foot forward, keeping it between the hands. Rise. Now open your arms, chest and hips to reach the Warrior pose. Keep the left hand on the left hip and try to stretch your right arm. 

Now shift your weight to the right foot and lift the left foot. Keep the right palm on the ground below the shoulder. Bend the right knee. Make sure that your weight is distributed evenly between your foot and right hand. Bring up your left arms while you are looking at the ground. Hold this and count to five, breathing in.

4.Straight-Arm Triangle

Where it works – Upper body and legs

How to do it – Step out forward with your right foot. Keep the right leg straight as you try to extend your right arm as far as possible. Reach beyond the right toes. Now lower your right hand and reach the floor. Keep it at the right shin’s front. 

Shift your weight back to the heels. Extend the upper hand over to your ears. Make sure that it is parallel to the floor. It should look like a triangle. Extend both sides of your ribs equally, and draw your navel to the spine as you are doing so. Hold this and count to five, breathing in. Do this one your left side after this.

5.Side Plank

Where it works – Arms, sides of your torso, abs and back

How to do it – Keep both your feet together. Make sure that your big toes are touching. Now move the right hand to your left. Roll over to your right while keeping the right heel down. You should balance on the outer side of your right foot. Take the left arm above you. It should be over the ear. Try to stay steady in this position and count to five, breathing in. Now repeat this on your left side.

6.Dolphin Plank

Where it works – Shoulders, arms, abs and back

How to do it – Start this as you are lying down on the mat. Raise yourself on both your elbows. Now take your feet to as far back as you can. Keep your body in a straight line. Your shoulders need to be above the elbows directly. Hold this position and count to five, breathing in.

3 Reasons Why You Need Fish Oil

Whether you're looking to maximize muscle building and fat loss, or you're simply looking to take the best pathway to optimal health, fish oil is a supplement you must be adding to your daily diet. 

There are few supplements on the market that offer as many benefits as fish oil does. Regardless of who you are, it's almost certain you will benefit from it.


Fish oil is a form of fatty acid that is derived from the tissues of oily fish. It contains the omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are what has gained the most attention with regard to health research over the last few years.

Individuals who consume a high amount of fatty fish in their diet tend not to need to supplement with fish oil capsules as much or as often. However, you should remember that many fish varieties do contain higher levels of mercury, which also needs to be monitored in the human body.

If these levels of mercury get too high, that can cause problems too, so it's vital that you keep a good balance. Fish oil capsules, along with fatty fish on occasion, will be the best way to meet your needs safely.

Fish oil supplements offer a wide variety of benefits. Here are three important ones you should know about.


Supplementing with fish oil may support a healthy blood cholesterol profile already within a normal range. Adding 3-6 grams of fish oil a day can help promote healthy ratios of HDL to LDL, as well as healthy levels of triacylglycerol concentrations in the body when they are already in healthy range.
If you can start using fish oil, as well as eating a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, you will support overall health and well-being.


As you grow older, especially in the case of women who are entering the menopausal years and who no longer have the standard estrogen and progesterone hormone levels, the bones may begin to thin, which then sets you up to experience osteoporosis.

Studies have looked at the implications of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid intakes on the bone density and calcium balance in menopausal women, and have found that those who do take in higher levels of fatty acids may help support healthy bones.

The best way to support your overall bone health is to make sure you're getting enough calcium in your diet regularly. After that's been looked after, it would be a very smart move to start paying attention to your fish-oil consumption.

It's important to make sure you're getting a good ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, though. Consuming too much omega-6 and too little omega-3 can actually put you at a higher risk for a lower bone-mineral density.


Research has indicated that including fish oil in your diet on a regular basis may offer mood support.

The diets of many people are so filled with processed foods that there isn't enough quality nutrition coming in to support a healthy system. This only adds to the stress build-up that may exacerbate mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Fish oil consumption helps support the levels of serotonin in the body, which is often termed the "feel-good" hormone. You'll typically reap the benefits of serotonin after eating a carbohydrate-heavy meal, which is what puts you in a relaxed and peaceful state. For this reason, individuals typically crave high-carbohydrate foods when they are stressed.

By supplementing with fish oil, you will naturally support your own serotonin release in the body, which may help manage stress.


As you can see, fish oil supplements offer a variety of benefits. Fish oil isn't necessarily going to help you build muscle at an accelerated pace directly, but indirectly it will help support the quality of your workouts. 

Most importantly, supplementing with fish oil will enhance your overall health, which is key to pursuing workouts over a longer period of time.

The Fast And Furious Glutes Workout: Get Your Butt Ready For Summer

Ready to round out your glute routine? Try these nine butt moves designed by HassFitness, a personal trainer and instructor who helped thousands of students achieve their goals at hassfitness.com

Repeat each exercise for 45 seconds to one minute in the order listed below, and repeat the entire set up to three times to seriously feel the burn.

1. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor near your butt and hip-width apart. Keeping your knees in line, extend one leg. On your exhale, squeeze your glutes and push your hips up toward the ceiling as high as you can go. Pause, then lower until your butt hovers right above the floor, and repeat without touching the ground.

2.Squat with KickBack

You are strong. Your quads and butt are toned (okay, getting there). You will not fall as you attempt this powerhouse move.

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Sit back to a squat, bringing your fists close to your chin. Then bring your left leg straight behind you while extending your arms forward. Return to the squat position, then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for one minute. As you squat, remember to keep your weight back on your heels. When extending the leg behind you, keep your hips square — don't twist them toward the side.

3.Dumbbell Squats

A simple way to kick off even a quickie workout, these squats are powerful little moves. Over time, increase reps and dumbbell weight to amp them up.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and 8- to 10-pound dumbbells by your thighs or shoulders. Squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair, keeping your weight over your heels. Squeeze your glutes as you return to the start position.

As you continue, keep the weight in your heels, making sure your knees do not pass forward of your toes.
For a bigger challenge, try it without the weights, jump explosively, and land in the squat position.

4.Sumo Squat to Calf Raise

Begin with your feet about twice hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Keeping your knees above your ankles and abs drawn in tight, push your knees back as far as you can and lower your hips toward the floor until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Raise both heels off the ground slowly and with control. Pause, then slowly lower your heels. That's one rep.

5.Explosive Lunges

Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Then lunge forward with your right leg. Jump up, switch legs in midair, and land with your left leg in a forward lunge. Continue these explosive lunges, alternating sides, for one minute. Keep your fists up in front of your chin and push off the floor with both feet. Your front knee should be bent 90 degrees and align over your ankle.

5 Moves to Distinctly Toned Inner Thighs

1.Glider Side Lunge

This exercise works the legs and glutes, but as you slide your leg back to centre, your inner thigh does all the work. Just use the lid of a plastic container and do this move on a carpet. Or wear socks and try it on a wood floor.

  • Stand with your feet a few inches apart, with your right foot on the plastic lid. Make a fist with one hand and cup your other hand over it. Keep your hands in front of your chest throughout the exercise to help you stay balanced.
  • Put weight into your left leg, and as you slowly bend your left knee and squat down, slide your right foot out to the side. Then as you slowly straighten your leg, slide the right foot back in. Most of your weight remains in the leg that's not moving.
  • Complete three sets of 10 reps with each leg.

2.Scissor Jacks

This dynamic move tones your arms and legs while getting your heart rate
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and extend your arms straight out to either side with palms facing down. This is the starting position.
  • Jump, and cross your right arm over your left and your right foot over your left. Jump back to the starting position, then cross with the opposite arm and foot. This counts as one rep.
  • Continue alternating sides and repeating this movement until you complete 25 reps. Be sure to keep up the pace and not allow too much time for recovery between jumps; this way you'll be sure to keep up your heart rate and engage your whole body.

3.Bridge With Squeeze

Adding an inner-thigh squeeze to your basic bridge will tone your inner thighs.
  • Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip distance apart. Place a pillow, a ball, or a toning ring between your knees.
  • Push up into a bridge. Keep your ribs aligned with your pelvis.
  • Without raising or lower your pelvis, slowly squeeze your pillow 20 times. Lower the pelvis and bring your knees to your chest to round and relax your back. Then repeat twice for a total of three sets.

4.Elbow Plank With Leg Lift

Adding a leg lift to your side plank tones the outer thigh while challenging your core. The trick to keeping the pelvis high as you lift your top leg is to reach the inner thigh of your bottom leg toward the ceiling.
  • Place your right elbow on the ground. Extend both legs out so that your body is in one straight line and you're balancing on the outside edge of your right foot. Flex both feet if you can, and rest your left hand on your upper hip.
  • Keeping your spine lengthened and your abs engaged, lift your left leg up just higher than your top hip. Then slowly lower it back to your bottom leg.
  • Keep your waist up and lifted, and don't sink into your bottom shoulder.
  • Do three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions on each side.

17 Easy Tiny Changes To Lose Weight Faster

To lose weight, you need to cut calories. To lose weight fast, you need to cut more calories. For every 3,500 calories you cut, you lose 1 pound. (So minus 500 calories a day equals a loss of one pound a week).

How low can you go? Generally, not lower than 1,200 calories per day, say weight-loss experts, including Jean Harvey-Berino, Ph.D., chair of the University of Vermont’s Nutrition & Food Sciences Department and co-author of The EatingWell Diet

But for a quick fix, you could shave off a few more—going absolutely no lower than 800 calories—for up to three days (no longer), Harvey-Berino told nutritionist and Eating Well advisor Rachel Johnson, Ph.D., R.D. Harvey-Berino also suggests creating rules that add structure—essentially creating your own diet plan.

1. Nix Alcohol: A 5-ounce glass of wine or light beer generally packs about 100 calories. Consumed every day for one year, 100 extra calories adds up to a 10-pound weight gain.

2. Have a Salad Every Day for Lunch: I’m talking a big salad with loads of fiber-rich vegetables, topped with a little lean protein: chicken, salmon or baked tofu. Research suggests that both fiber and protein are particularly satisfying.

3. Eat Every 3 or 4 Hours: When you’re cutting calories, it’s important to spread them out so that you don’t get too hungry. I find that having a meal or snack every few hours keeps my hunger in check. Keep in mind, though: the more frequently you eat, the lower in calories your snack should be. Good choices: an apple and a few almonds or some raw veggies with a few tablespoons of hummus.

4. Chew on sugar-free mint gum after a meal: Mint flavors send signals to your brain that it’s time to stop eating.

5. Snack on pistachios instead of pretzels.

6. Eat more avocados: They’re loaded with the kind of healthy fats you need to keep your body burning fat.

7. Get a Dog: (Or borrow your girlfriend’s.) Taking Fido for a walk 20 minutes a day can help you shed 14 pounds a year.

8. Combine cardio and weights: Try jumping rope between sets, or string together some exercises into the circuits

9. Get off the couch: do quick sets of push-ups, sit-ups, or jumping jacks during the commercial breaks of your favorite TV shows.

10. Don’t quit cold turkey on your favorite foods: You’ll be more apt to fall off the wagon.

11. Load up on fiber: Lentils, beans, edamame, and pears are all great sources.

12. Stash sweets in out-of-sight places: like on high shelves or deep inside your cupboards.

13. Get at least seven hours of rest: Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your metabolism.

14. Train with a buddy: especially one who's stronger—he/she’ll push you to work harder.

15. Brush your teeth before bed—shirtless: You'll see your progress in the mirror and get psyched to work out the next morning. 
16. When eating out, ask for sauces on the side. You’ll eat less—and save tons of calories.

17. Don't hold on: The guys on the cardio machines who hold onto the frame are usually out of shape. That's not an accident.

The Best Full-Body Workout to Torch Calories and Stress Less

This full-body, equipement-free workout flames calories and unroll your mind until you become stressless.

Even-though you have a gym membership and lift heavy weights, doing body weight workouts will be hard and get you sore. Plus you will focus better when you are alone and not zoning out at the gym and cheating both your body and mind. 

This full body workout will benefit your brain and give you a good sweat—exactly the detox you need in a manic month.

Stress can be caused by normal daily life tasks, forgetting to do a job task, running late to meetings, or just not remembering where you put your things. Your energy starts to diminish thus your fat diminishermechanism start to weaken. Which leads to skipping workouts and eating without a schedule.

Just one rule: Give it all you've got during each strength move. That means pushing hard for the entire minute, focusing to beat your previous score.

You will need: Your Body

1. Squat One-Two Punch

A.Stand with feet staggered, right foot forward, and hands in fists by chin. Squat to start.

B.Stand, then quick-snap a punch with right hand straight forward, rotating fist palm down at shoulder height. Then quickly punch left hand across body, pivoting on left foot to turn hips forward slightly, rotating fist palm-down at shoulder height of right arm. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:30 seconds per side

2. Crisscross Squat

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Jump, crossing right leg in front of left, landing that position for a brief second.
B.Then jump to uncross legs and landing in a squat. Without pausing, switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly alternating sides.
Reps:1 minute

3. T Push-Up

A.Start on floor in plank on palms. Bend elbows back 45 degrees to lower body until chest grazes floor.
B.Then push up, rotating to right to come into a side plank on left palm, extending right arm straight up from shoulder and stacking feet. Switch sides; repeat. Continue quickly alternating sides.
Reps:1 minute

4. Side Lunge to Tuck Jump

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Turn toward right and step right leg forward, pivoting on left foot, to come into a long lunge with right knee bent and left leg straight and bent left arm forward and bent right arm back.
B.Push off right foot to return to start position and quickly jump as high as you can, tucking knees into chest. Land softly. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:1 minute

5. Lateral Hop

A.Stand with feet together, knees soft, hands in fists with elbows bent at sides to start. Explosively hop to the left as if you were jumping over a small object (you could place something like a water bottle or a towel here to ensure that you get some height), landing on balls of feet. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:1 minute

6. Plank Jack

A.Start on floor in plank on palms with feet together. Without moving upper body or raising hips, hop feet wide. Hop feet back to start position.

Reps:1 minute

7. Lunge Kick

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Step right leg back into a reverse lunge, bending both legs 90 degrees, bent right arm forward and bent left arm back to start.
B.Push through left foot to stand on left leg, kicking right leg in front of you and driving left arm forward and right arm back. Return to start position and continue for 30 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.
Reps:30 seconds per side

8. V-Up

A.Lie face up on floor with legs long and arms extended overhead to start. Curl head, neck, and shoulders up as you reach arms and legs up to meet, balancing on tailbone so body forms a V shape. Simultaneously lower arms and legs back to start position.
Reps:1 minute

9. Squat Hold

A.Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Squat and extend arms straight out at shoulder height. Record the number of seconds you can hold position with excellent form (hip crease below parallel, knees pushed outward, chest lifted). Once you can go the full minute, do this exercise with arms overhead for more of a challenge.
Reps:1 minute

10. Up-Down

A.Start on floor in plank on palms. Jump feet toward hands. Immediately jump feet back to start position.
Reps:1 minute

The Only Two Moves You Need To Get An Incredible Workout

You don’t need a lot of time, expensive gym membership or advanced equipment, to have a good quality workout.

When you hear that you can get a killer total-body workout with only two exercises it’s natural to think (and dread) that some long HIIT workout plan with a lot of variations is somehow involved like doing unlimited reps of burpees. But in this article you will discover that there is such thing as a routine that improves strength and burn calories…sans burpees.
So if you’re looking for a quick and effective high-intensity workout, don’t overthink it. Here’s the two-move routine to try: 

The Moves:

Exercise 1: Push-Up Into A Cross-Body Mountain Climber

Get into a push-up position and make your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your body should form a straight line from the feet to your head.

Tighten your core and maintain the contraction the entire time. Bring one knee toward the opposite elbow. Return to the starting position to repeat on the other side.

Tip: Aim to lower your chest all the way down until it’s hovering just above the ground. If you need to drop to your knees to get that low, that’s OK!

Exercise 2: Deck Squat

Start standing with feet about hip width. Squat down until your momentum causes you to roll onto your back. Keep bringing your feet overhead until they touch the ground. 

Kick your feet back forward, placing them on the ground slightly wider than hip width. Stand-up using your momentum to aid you, without using your hands

The Workout: Inverse Ladders 

Round 1:
10 reps of exercise 1
2 reps of exercise 2
Round 2:
8 reps of exercise 1
4 reps of exercise 2
Round 3:
6 reps of exercise 1
6 reps of exercise 2
Round 4:
4 reps of exercise 1
8 reps of exercise 2
Round 5:
2 reps of exercise 1
10 reps of exercise 2

Ty not to rest between rounds. And if you’re keeping score, you’ll complete a total of 30 reps per exercise!