
The Fast And Furious Glutes Workout: Get Your Butt Ready For Summer

Ready to round out your glute routine? Try these nine butt moves designed by HassFitness, a personal trainer and instructor who helped thousands of students achieve their goals at hassfitness.com

Repeat each exercise for 45 seconds to one minute in the order listed below, and repeat the entire set up to three times to seriously feel the burn.

1. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor near your butt and hip-width apart. Keeping your knees in line, extend one leg. On your exhale, squeeze your glutes and push your hips up toward the ceiling as high as you can go. Pause, then lower until your butt hovers right above the floor, and repeat without touching the ground.

2.Squat with KickBack

You are strong. Your quads and butt are toned (okay, getting there). You will not fall as you attempt this powerhouse move.

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Sit back to a squat, bringing your fists close to your chin. Then bring your left leg straight behind you while extending your arms forward. Return to the squat position, then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for one minute. As you squat, remember to keep your weight back on your heels. When extending the leg behind you, keep your hips square — don't twist them toward the side.

3.Dumbbell Squats

A simple way to kick off even a quickie workout, these squats are powerful little moves. Over time, increase reps and dumbbell weight to amp them up.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and 8- to 10-pound dumbbells by your thighs or shoulders. Squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair, keeping your weight over your heels. Squeeze your glutes as you return to the start position.

As you continue, keep the weight in your heels, making sure your knees do not pass forward of your toes.
For a bigger challenge, try it without the weights, jump explosively, and land in the squat position.

4.Sumo Squat to Calf Raise

Begin with your feet about twice hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Keeping your knees above your ankles and abs drawn in tight, push your knees back as far as you can and lower your hips toward the floor until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Raise both heels off the ground slowly and with control. Pause, then slowly lower your heels. That's one rep.

5.Explosive Lunges

Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Then lunge forward with your right leg. Jump up, switch legs in midair, and land with your left leg in a forward lunge. Continue these explosive lunges, alternating sides, for one minute. Keep your fists up in front of your chin and push off the floor with both feet. Your front knee should be bent 90 degrees and align over your ankle.